Dark Matter (D&D 5e Sci-Fi Rules) Looks Amazing

I recently discovered an awesome new project by the team over at Mage Hand Press.

D&D 5e in space!

The idea of D&D in space is not something new BUT Dark Matter already looks like one of the best conversions of 5e into a space setting that I have ever seen. Dark Matter allows you to take your existing D&D group and drop them straight into The ‘Verse – a new futuristic universe with new races, classes, character options and a whole stack of locations for your group to explore.

Did I also mention they have rules for building a ship and running starship combat? Sci-fi items and spells? Got it! Seriously these guys are clearly massive fans of both D&D and sci-fi plus super knowledgeable about both.

In my mind the best part is the art, which is stunning, for example:

Mage Hand launched the kickstarter for their 200+ page Dark Matter rule book only a week or so ago and it seems to be going strong so far. I’ve personally backed the project after hearing about it and I encourage you to take a look too.

Checkout Dark Matter on Kickstarter

Heads up! SF Galaxy is not affiliated with Mage Hand in any way, we’re just super excited by the concept of merging D&D + Sci-fi.

Update: looks like this project has now been funded!

Image credits are to Mage Hand Press

GM Ian

Mad about sci-fi tabletop roleplaying games, books and shows. Join me as I talk in depth about my latest sci-fi discovery.